

請問我這樣翻譯對嗎?((( 特~~~急~~件 !!)))


But others are not so sure. India’s aviation infrastructure is sadly in need of massive public investment in order to be able to handle the vast amount of new traffic the new airplanes would generate. While the Indian economy is very healthy and growing rapidly, this may not directly translate into such... 顯示更多 But others are not so sure. India’s aviation infrastructure is sadly in need of massive public investment in order to be able to handle the vast amount of new traffic the new airplanes would generate. While the Indian economy is very healthy and growing rapidly, this may not directly translate into such infrastructure investment in time to handle the anticipated air travel bonanza. 但是其他的不敢太確定,印度航空基礎建設是急需要非常大量的公共投資來處理新一代數量龐大的交通流量與新的飛機。當印度經濟非常健全與快速成長也許不會直接轉到基礎建設投資來處理航空旅遊致富之源。 To be fair, Boeing also has a considerable number of orders from India. Jet Airways, a premium service carrier, not a discounter, has ordered 10 77s and 10 737s, while also ordering 10 A330s from Airbus. Long-established flag carrier Air India has ordered 50 planes from Boeing in late April, prompting complaints from Airbus that its A380 was not even considered in competition with Boeing’s much smaller Dreamliner. 很公平的印度也考慮購買波音公司的飛機,噴射航空公司不是一個削價競爭是一個服務極致的航空公司,它訂購10架777系列及10架737系列也訂購了10架空中巴士A330,成立已久的印度航空,4月下旬訂購了50架波音飛機攻擊空中巴士A380沒有辦法以波音夢想號競爭。


為了處理新的飛機將會產生龐大的交通量,印度的公共航空建設非常需要大量的公共投資. 然而印度的經濟狀況相當健全而且發展迅速,因此短時間內這些公共建設的投資應該不至於轉換來處理這塊預期航空旅遊的金源地帶 事實上,印度也考慮訂購數架波音公司的飛機,Jet航空公司是一個提供服務者,並不是一個削價競爭者,因此他們已經訂購了10架的77系列和10架737系列的飛機,並且他們也訂購了10架A330系列的空中巴士. 成立很久的印度國家航空四月底亦已經向波音訂購了50架飛機,以即時反制了A380空中巴士不能和波音其他較小"Dreamliner"競爭的缺點

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